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some of these are by me and my family, others are credited (I wrote out easier wording for me and any modifications I made)

White Bean Cakes (Garbanzo/Chickpea and Cannellini Beans)

Makes about 12 bean cakes that are 3"-4" in diameter.
Can also be served as bean burgers in a bun! Adapted from https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/garbanzo-bean-burgers/

Ingredients & Equipment:


I hope your bean cakes turn out deliciously! There is a lot of wiggle room in the recipe for personal preference, so have fun experimenting and figuring out how to cook them the way you like! Bean cakes are packed with protein and flavor, and you can play around with the seasoning, moistness, etc. to your liking. Thanks to the cooks of Bon Apetit in Savannah, GA, for introducing me to the wonders of bean cakes!

Pizza Bagels! Yummie! It's like bagel bites but FULL SIZE yeah!

Ya need:

-1 or more bagels, cut in half, I use plain but do whatever you like
-a bag of shredded mozerella cheese
-some powdered parmesan cheese if you wanna be Fancy
-baking sheet
-pasta sauce like prego or ragu
-any desired toppings
-spoon to spread the sauce
-a plate to eat the finished bagels off of


0) preheat the oven to 350 degrees
1) place the bagel halves with the cut/inside side up onto the baking sheet
2) spoon out some pasta sauce on the bagel tops. not too thick but make sure they're evenly covered over the whole surface
3) sprinkle mozerella cheese on top of the sauce!
4) okay now spread a lil parmesan over em if you like
5) add toppings!
6) place the baking sheet w/pizza bagels in the oven after it's fully preheated. bake for 7 minutes, check on it at 5 to make sure it's not burnt or anything since ovens vary
7) when it looks done, take em out, let em cool, and enjoy!

Tip: If you make a mess sprinkling cheese on the bagels and it spills all around the baking tray, it's not a big deal but this cheese WILL get crispy and make the tray harder to clean. So if you're a neat and tidy person, you might want to clean off the cheese bits OR do the cheese sprinkling on a cutting board, then transfer them onto the baking tray when they're reading for cookin'.

Just a simple & sumptuous single-serving bowl of veggies!

You will need:

you can use non-frozen veggies, too, if you want. fresh peas and corn might need a shorter cook time, and canned peas and corn... well, they are gonna have more moisture and that may affect the cook time as well.

ANYWAY, here are the instructions!

Cooking Time: 1 hour

Prep Time: 5-10 minutes

I have succeeded in using this recipe to bake my first sweet potato! But I only cooked one, so, as a note to myself I guess, here's how I did it:

(note: I am not seasoning my potato beforehand but if you click on the recipe link, they say how you can season it if you'd like)

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