hey there! this website is a casually-written series of lists to help me remember things, like books I've read or foods I like to eat, because I'm pretty forgetful and I make so many lists in my daily life that I can't keep track of them anymore. Thankfully, the internet is a pretty great place to keep easy-to-access references for myself. Feel free to snoop around and maybe learn something, too! I'm an artist so I've also compiled a lot of info about resources and tools I've learned or used in game development, animation, and sequential arts (comics).

This site tries to keep things roughly PG-13 and I try my best to tag any offending content ("cw" means "content warning"). Also, this site has zero affiliated links or info! I'm just here to learn more about the world and the things people make, and record and recommend my findings. c:

That said, my website doesn't have great visual design (I know) but it loads instantly and it's easy on my eyes, and that's what suits my needs right now. I may make it prettier and more legible in the future, if I think anyone might benefit from what I have to share. Also, my language/grammar fluctuates across the site--again, this is all very informal, depends on my mood honestly.

Media Pages ~ My Interests!

Random / Fun


also hey here's some relaxing music to help you unwind:

(sorry my font choice sucks, as much as I love courier new like I'm writing in Notepad, I gotta spare y'all'ses eyes and switch to Segoe UI or somethin') ~ I used 3dtextmaker.com to make the rotating 3D text, plus some editing in photoshop