My Little Pony Fanpage!
I will admit I am *mostly* a fan of G4/FiM, but many of these links aren't G4-specific. Here are various things I found that I think are worth checking out!
- Did you know there are MLP tabletop RPGs? Here are the Renegade Games ones, and here are the "Tails of Equestria" River Horse Games ones (if it says "Sold Out" just look for the "digital on DriveThruRPG" link).
- MLP Merchandise Database:
- [PG-13*] MLP Fanfiction Site: FimFiction (*each fic is marked with age/content ratings--some are all-ages, some are not)
- Database for comic issues, character appearances, & staff credits on ComicVine
- [PG-13*] MLP News/Fansite: Equestria Daily (*Has suggestive content here and there)
- [PG-13*] ED has a handy up-to-date list of upcoming pony conventions around the world! *some conventions are more kid-friendly than others
- [18+ as a precaution] ED has put out a few articles on the MLP community within SecondLife. SL is basically an MMO full of user-made avatars and worlds, but it's more for socializing (or exploring liminal spaces) than "playing". ⚠️ Don't play SL if you're under 18--it's just too easy to be exposed to adult sexual content. It's a lot worse than something like VRChat or Roblox in this regard. Also, while you can play SL completely for free, many users spend a lot of money and time buying outfits for their avatars, so watch your wallet if you're likely to get carried away.
ANYWAY, here's ED's guide to pony Sims (worlds). Ponyville is one of the few areas that really tries to keep things PG like the show and I appreciate that. ED also has an article on how to make a free OpenPony avatar here, plus HMart's PDF guide here.